🧑‍🚀Galactic Hodler NFT (GH-NFT)

Proud to be a HODLER

The Galactic Hodler NFT collection comprises 10,000 hand-drawn NFTs that can be directly minted on the FrameIt marketplace.

Mint take place in 10 rounds with 1000 NFTs per stage. The initial price is set at 0.1 $EGLD/NFT, and with each new stage, the price will increase by 0.1 $EGLD/NFT. This progressive pricing strategy is designed for accelerated growth over time. As the project progresses, both our net worth and the magnitude of rewards will proportionally increase.

Collection: HODL-ffb01b

Holding our GH-NFTs comes with various benefits, depending on the attribute (trait) you mint and the quantity of NFTs you own.

  • $HODL Token – net worth shares


  • GiveawayEveryday

  • Monthly $WATER Rewards

  • HF-NFT

All NFTs earn $REWARD tokens, for more info keep reading or jump to #HODL & Earn $REWARD.


All GH-NFTs have five attributes.

The Galactic to the left has the following traits:

- Actronaut: Astronaut - Background: Satellite - Moon: Orange - Flag: Sweden - Coin: Bitcoin

As for now only distinct coin attributes matter. This might change in the future however. Expect the unexpected !

Last updated